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MEL, MERL, MEAL, even SI…do we really need all these additional acronyms for M&E?

core concepts Sep 06, 2021

It’s raining (or at least drizzling) M&E acronyms

MEL, MERL, MEAL…. These are the acronyms that specialists in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) have seen pop up in recent years to refer to their area of expertise. The acronyms may also be familiar beyond M&E specialists, particularly to those working in the international development sector.

Generally, these new terms – MEL, MERL, MEAL, etc. – reflect the different purposes for which evidence generated by an M&E system will be used. … [read the rest of the article on LinkedIn Pulse here]

(Citation: Shejavali, K. (2021, April 27). MEL, MERL, MEAL, even SI…do we really need all these additional acronyms for M&E? LinkedIn Pulse.

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