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Mindful M&E (or how applying an Eckhart Tolle teaching might enhance my craft)

mindset Sep 07, 2021

Mr. Tolle’s postulation: being present immeasurably enhances one’s work

Eckhart Tolle once said: “…the work that you do will be enhanced immeasurably by bringing a different state of consciousness to it” (Tolle, 2021).

By ‘bringing a different state of consciousness’, Mr. Tolle meant by being present. Being present is otherwise known as mindfulness – but he avoids the use of the word ‘mindful’ (and variations thereof) as he feels it implies the mind being full, whereas he means the exact opposite. Being present or – sorry, Mr. Tolle – being mindful signifies a state of focus on the here and now. … [read the rest of the article on LinkedIn Pulse here]

(Citation: Shejavali, K. (2021, May 11). Mindful M&E (or how applying an Eckhart Tolle teaching might enhance my craft). LinkedIn Pulse.

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