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Seeing the fruit of our labor: what program results look like at different levels of the ToC

core concepts Sep 04, 2023

Measuring and reporting on each level of the ToC

Conducting monitoring and evaluation (M&E) involves measuring and reporting on results at each level of a program’s/project’s theory of change (ToC), to the extent feasible and appropriate. Those measures, or metrics, are often in the form of indicators.

What do indicators look like at each level of the ToC?

If you’re curious to find out, you’re in the right place!

Typical features of indicators at different levels of the ToC

The basic levels of the ToC include: input; activity; output; outcome (sometimes further broken down into intermediate and long-term outcomes); and impact. The table below describes the typical features of indicators at those different levels:

Note, however, that a results-focused M&E system will focus on measuring and reporting at the output, outcome, and impact levels, not the inputs and activities.

Why it matters

Measuring and reporting on a program or project’s results at different levels of the ToC – particularly from the output level onwards – provides insight on the difference the program or project is expected to make, is making, or has made. It tells us how far along we are on the pathway to (co-)creating a positive change in people’s lives or in the environment. If related lessons are tracked and distilled as well, they can provide pointers as to how we can accelerate the desired change and avoid negative unintended impacts.

It's everything that makes M&E such a wonderful tool for measuring how close or how far we are from the society we want to see – and helping us get closer to want we want!

Over to you!

Bring this powerful tool to life in your program or project’s M&E system to measure the results of your efforts and accelerate positive change.

With your program/project in mind, ask yourself:

  • Does the program/project have a robust ToC in place?
  • Are there adequate and appropriate measures for each level of the ToC?
  • Do the indicators reflect the features described in the table above and are they adequately SMART (fully documenting indicators helps make them SMART)?

And, beyond measuring and reporting on each level of the ToC, does the program/project have all the other elements of a fully-fledged M&E system?

After your review, assess what – if anything – is lacking.

Then take the necessary action to ensure that your program’s M&E system is fit for purpose. And if you need support in your action-taking, reach out to access our consulting services or advisory/coaching calls – or simply to tell us what type of support would be most helpful to you.


Photo credit:

Spacedezert on Unsplash


Suggestion for how to cite this article (using APA 7 style):

Shejavali, K. (2023, September 4). Seeing the fruit of our labor: what program results look like at different levels of the ToC. Blog post. RM3 Consulting. Available at: (accessed: [insert the date that you last accessed this article at the link provided]).


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